Benefits of the NSTA Learning Center as your textbook

Welcome Pre-service students and Professors!

MSTA and NSTA offers a special program to students who are enrolled in a course that utilizes the NSTA Learning Center to offer a complementary membership for one year to MSTA. If professors offer the NSTA Learning center as the course textbook, students who are enrolled are eligible for this program.

Student benefits of NSTA Learning Center

NSTA offers robust online professional development, mentorship, blogs, conference discounts, and resources. The vetted resources that are provided within the membership section of the NSTA website is an excellent resource for new and veteran teachers.

The NSTA Learning Center vetted resources is the go-to, preapproved library for pre-service teachers to start building their repertoire of lessons. This is the perfect place for for pre-service students to begin exploring all there is to know about three dimensional learning in the science classroom.

Check out this website that explains all that you, as a professor, can get by choosing the NSTA Learning Center for your online textbook.

Student benefits to MSTA membership:

  • Connections and collaboration with passionate science educators across Montana
  • Participate in professional learning opportunities both in person and online
  • Quarterly NewsJournal emails with lesson plans, upcoming events, and professional learning opportunities.
  • Promotes innovation and science education with support and connections to informal educators and industry professionals

We are excited to welcome you to the science teaching profession and a community of passionate educators

To enroll, please see our membership form here and select “FREE pre-service student in course using NSTA Learning Center

Support from MSTA Board Members

“I support any effort to introduce young science teachers to the larger community.  “You may be the sole science teacher in a small town in Montana, but you are not alone and can benefit from the larger community.”  I think this will promote MSTA as well.  I have run into a few teachers who are members of NSTA but were unaware of MSTA.  The use of online resources is also a trend I have witnessed in my children’s college experience as well as my adopting online textbook access for my dual-credit courses.”

-David Hembroff

“I also know from my own methods experiences, and from student teachers I’ve collaborated with, that this one high-quality resource full of the information we’d want pre-service teachers to start with is far better than some of what I’ve seen being used. I also like that one of the sections I ran into in the materials was on the philosophy of blended learning and integration of subject areas–so key for K-5 (and all!).”

-Kristi Gaines

“I feel that it is important for pre-service teachers to have a connection with NSTA throughout their experience. After this introduction to NSTA, they will have a better understanding of what opportunities NSTA has to offer throughout their career. (Micro-credentials, Teacher Leadership Institute, grants and opportunities just to name a few.)”

-Benjamin Cummins
Earth Science